Installation instructions

1. Download and unpack the ZIP file

2. Copy the complete CAT_xxx folder to your preferred path, you can rename the folder if you wish.

3. set environment variables CAT_HOME and CAT_USER

e.g. in your .cshrc file

setenv CAT_HOME -> path to CAT folder
setenv CAT_USER -> path to your private CSL script folder

4. create an alias for the binary version of CAT


alias CAT '$CAT_HOME/bin/CAT.linux64'

install TINKER

CAT provides an interface to minimization and MD simulation of carbohydrates using TINKER/MM3.

Download TINKER from http://dasher.wustl.edu/tinker/
Define the environment variable TINKER_HOME to point to the TINKER directory. The binaries (e.g. minimize and dynamic) should be in TINKER_HOME/bin
Download the parameter files to (e.g. mm3.prm) TINKER_HOME/params

install GNUPlot

CAT is able to generate scientific plots in SVG format, but also provides basic support to use external plotting software, e.g. GNUPlot.
Download GNUPlot from http://www.gnuplot.info
Copy the GNUPlot binary to $CAT_HOME/bin